Have You Tested Your Tap Water Lately?
You’ll also learn about ways you can help adult children with their finances that don’t involve giving them money, suggestions to begin a weekly cleaning schedule, and some of the surprising ways you can use the money in your health savings account (HSA)—plus fun facts, a triviachallenge, and lots more.
Finally, I want you to know that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member, or neighbor needs a caring, competent real estate professional to help in buying or selling.
I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Enjoy your issue!
David Norris
President/CEO CalDre: 02001662
The Norris Group @ Miramar International
(661) 829-0367
P.S. When you notice people talking about real estate in the next few weeks, can you tell them about the free consumer information I provide?
They may be people wanting to move this year, and you can tell them about my Free Consumer Report: “How To Avoid 7 Costly Mistakes When Selling Your Home.” You'll give them a huge boost in confidence because this guide shows how to net the most money from a home sale in the least amount of time. Give me a call to get a free copy - (661) 829-0367.
Here's A Free, Valuable Resource...
Now You Can Search The Home Market, Get Helpful Community Information, AND Receive Important Resources For Saving Time And Money When Buying Or Selling At www.thenorrisgroupinc.com
All tap water contains some impurities, but not all impurities make the water unsafe. Some minerals pose no threat at a low level, while a higher concentration of the same mineral may be unhealthy—and some contaminants are unsafe at even extremely low levels.
If your tap water has an unpleasant smell or taste, or if it’s discolored, you should stop drinking it and get it tested as soon as possible. Even if your water looks and tastes fine, though, it’s a good idea to test it once a year. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also recommends testing your water if anyone in the house is pregnant or experiencing recurring stomach ailments, or if the house was built before 1986 and
might still have some lead pipes. A full list of EPA recommendations for when to test your water are listed here:https://www.epa.gov/ground?water-and-drinking-water/home-drinking-water-test
The most commonly available home water testing kits use paper strips or powder, but these DIY methods are somewhat limited. Home tests are usually less sensitive than a lab test, and they may not be able to detect all types of contaminants. The paper strips, for instance, can be useful for a general overview of what’s in your water, but they don’t necessarily provide enough detail to tell you how to fix it.
For a more detailed and accurate analysis of what’s in your tap water, you can collect a water sample and have it tested by a lab. The EPA recommends using a certified lab so that you’ll be confident in the test results.
There’s an EPA lab in every state, and you can find one by searching the epa.gov site for "Certified Laboratories for Drinking Water.” Once you have your results, you can make a plan to treat your water. Note that the EPA maintains safety standards for all tap water except well water—if you have a well or another private water source, you’re responsible for the safety of that water. It might be even more important
to test regularly if you have a private well.
How To Get Top Dollar Selling Your Home...
If you’re thinking about selling your home soon, request my Free Consumer Guide, “7 Insider Tips To Net More Money Selling Your Own Home.” This report will be your secret weapon to maximize the net profits from the sale of your home. You can get a free copy by calling me at (661) 829-0367
I served over 25 years in local law enforcement with the Bakersfield Police and Kern County Sheriff's Office, retiring as a sergeant. Many colleagues and friends, including an officer in a Wasco SWAT standoff, lost their lives in the line of duty on July 25, 2021. The Tunnel to Towers Foundation paid off the family’s mortgage as part of its Fallen First Responder Home Program. My son Mason, diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 8th grade, relies on daily insulin. We support both Tunnel to Towers and the The Breakthrough T1D (JDRF) by donating a portion of our income. Learn more at t2t.org and breakthrought1d.org.!
Would You Like To Know How Much Your Neighbor's
Home Listed Or Sold For?
Maybe you’re just curious. Or maybe you want to know how much your
home is worth. Either way, I can help…with no “sales pitches” or run-arounds. Call me at (661) 829-0367 and I’ll give you all the facts.
Helping Adults Kids With Money
Being supportive of adult children doesn’t always involve writing a check. It can mean saying no to the “kid” who overspends and always asks for money. Here are some suggestions to help your adult childrenbecome financially sound without depleting your own savings (or damaging family relationships).
Talk to your financial advisor. Get an accurate picture of what giving money to spendthrift kids means for your financial goals.Understanding that may help you set firmer money boundaries.
Help them create a budget. You may be able to offer nonjudgmental budget planning guidance, including ongoing budgeting assistance to help them build a more stable financial future.
Make an appointment for them with a financial advisor. Money can be a tough topic to broach with family—it may be best to hand that baton to professionals.
Find non-financial ways to ease their financial burden. This could mean looking after their kids now and then to save on daycare, giving them your gently used sofa when you get a new one, or even letting them move back into their old room for a little while so they can pay off debt. Get creative!
Are You My Client Of The Month?
Every month I choose a very special Client Of The the month. It’s my way of acknowledging good friends and saying “thanks” to those who support me and my business with referrals, word of mouth, and repeat business.
This month’s Client Of The Month is Ramiro Briones Soto
You might be my next Client Of The Month too! Watch for your name here in an upcoming month.
Not Ready to Sell? Text your address to (661) 829-0367 to find out what your home will sell for today. You will not receive a phone call, just a text!
Recently Sold Properties
by The Norris Group, Inc.
SOLD FOR $660,000
Roehampton Ave
Sold in 24 hours for $10,000 over ask
Maurissa Ct
SOLD FOR $540,000 and I save my buyer $10,000
Q: How do I get the best home for the lowest price?
A:Price is only one of several factors to consider when you purchase a home.
Preferences: Make two lists with one outlining your needs and the
other a list of your wants. Compare lists with other members of your
family so you are agree on what’s important before you start looking.
Budget: Get pre-approved by a qualified loan officer before your
search to find out what monthly mortgage payment is possible given
your debt and income.
Location: The “best” price is usually not the cheapest price.
Desirable locations demand higher prices. But communities with
higher prices also often retain their value the best.
Negotiation: Inexperienced buyers sometimes want to “lowball”
their initial offer. Too often they end up disappointed for a variety of
reasons such as competition with other buyers, a negative reaction
from the seller, and the need to start all over again if negotiations fail
If you want to learn more, ask about my free consumer report titled, “8 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Buying Your Next Home.” This guide will save you time and money even if you’re not planning to buy soon.
Do you have a real estate question you want answered? Feel free to call me at (661) 829-0367. Perhaps I'll feaure your question in my next issue!